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Have you heard of blind soccer?


A few weeks ago your Vaqueros front office hosted a social for fans and season ticket holders at local watering hole The Liberty Lounge, who we would like to thank for hosting us. We love hosting events and especially events where we get the chance to meet fans and interact with our supporters! We had a great time, and it was fun to hang out with the guys from our official supporters group the Panther City HellFire!

It was a great opportunity to connect with fans, but it definitely wasn't the highlight of the evening. Some of us were blown away that a sport existed and we were surprised we didn't even know about, especially when Fort Worth has a team. We were introduced to the Metro Blaze Blind Soccer club which is a local soccer club based. here in Fort Worth, that allows blind athletes the opportunity to play the sport we all love! That's right BLIND SOCCER! Heres a quick video of a match, it's pretty amazing to watch! Check it out!

As I mentioned, this was definitely the highlight of the evening and getting to know those guys was such a pleasure. We want to help support and promote the Metro Blaze Blind Soccer Club, check out their Facebook page here and give them a follow!!

Stay tuned to our social media pages for the next social and definitely join us. We will be hosting a watch party on January 30th at Hop Fusion Ale Works to support the US Mens National Team! You can also vote on your favorite beer which will serve as the Official Beer of the Fort Worth Vaqueros! RSVP here!



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